Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Last year the Day out with Thomas brochure sat pinned to my bulletin board and as the days came and went and with my crazy work schedule, we never made it to see Thomas.  This year, I was determined to get Little Man to see Thomas, so as soon as I saw the schedule we blocked out a day and made plans to see Thomas.  Although the task of getting up to Union, Illinois was not easy, we were determined to make it happen.  Grampy Rock, Mimi, Auntie Jea Jea, Grandpa Jim, Grandma Rose, Grandpa Rick, Grandma Ruth and of course Hope Rose just had to go.
The night before we told Little Man that he was going to see Thomas, he was so excited that he wanted to leave that night.  “Go Now!” is what Little Man kept demanding, until I explained to him that Thomas was sleeping and that we can go see him in the morning to which he responded, “Percy?”  I’m not sure Percy is there but I’m sure he’s sleeping now as well.  The next morning I got up and just touched Little Man and told him that Thomas was awake.  He quickly hopped out of bed and I had to stop him before he was out the door with his pajamas on. 

It was a long drive, but when we made it, he was very excited to get inside.  As we walked into the museum his eyes lit up and he was pointing all over the place.  When we finally made it over to where Thomas the train was, his entire face lit up even more with excitement.   He quickly covered his ears when Thomas blew his whistle.  We had tickets for later in the day to ride Thomas so we explored the rest of the museum.  We spent the entire day and probably could have spent three days looking around and riding on the trains.  We rode on several trains that day from diesels to streetcars.  I think we all felt   like little kids that day riding on all the trains.  I think Little Man thought he was in train heaven.  After the long day we loaded up the motor home and headed for home and I’m sure Little Man dreamed of all the trains that night.
We also had fun heading out to Culver Indiana to our cousin’s farm where she raises alpacas.  Little Man had a great time running after and catching a few cats.  The alpaca have Great Pyrenees dogs that stay with them to protect them from predators and of course Little Man was in love with the dogs.  Luckily he was a bit hesitant of the alpacas but after a while he got a bit bolder with them and started calling them to come over, needless to say the alpacas didn’t listen to him.  We had a great time on the farm and luckily no one was spit on by the alpacas.

Little Man has started at a school nearby for a little extra help with his speech and he seems to like it and is doing well. I have to admit I like coming home and being able to ask him how school was and it’s great to hear the stories. His speech has greatly improved and is talking more and more every day. 
Hope Rose is doing great and getting bigger every day, she is a mover and never liked the burrito roll; hopefully when she gets older she will like burritos.  Hope Rose is becoming more aware of her surroundings everyday and she always lights up when her brother comes over and plays with her.  We are still waiting to get word when Hope Rose’s homecoming day will be, but it’s still up in the air.  Hope Rose just had a doctor’s appointment and she is doing great and gaining weight.
With all the madness going on in our house, we feel greatly blessed to have our family.  God is great!!!