Thursday, September 11, 2014

Summer 2014

Well, I am finding it is getting harder and harder to remember everything I need to blog with the kids growing up so fast.  Summer seems to be the hardest and our schedule is just crazy. I know it’s only going to get worse when Hope gets older.    Soccer, t-ball, fairs, festivals and traveling have filled our summer and it’s still not over.
We had our soccer party for the Yellow Minions on a cold and rainy night but the whole night warmed our hearts with all the compliments we got from the parents about how much fun the kids had that season.  Mom did an awesome job of making some Minion cupcakes for the party.  Even Hope had a great time hanging out with all the kids and Little Man was great sharing his soccer friends with his little sister.

With only a short break from soccer, t-ball started.  I was going to take a break from coaching but I was talked into coaching one more time.  Little Man was already getting good at hitting the ball and running; he was having a great time playing in the backyard with Grandpa Jim pitching to him.  He was not too excited about having to hit the ball off the tee.
Little Man also wanted to throw the ball underhand instead of over and it took a bit of convincing for him to do so.  We have found some of the habits of Grampy Rock are now appearing in Little Man.  Grampy Rock would throw the ball underhand. 
When I asked Little Man what number he wanted for soccer he said 11, which was Grampy Rocks number when he was in sports.  The other day while sitting at a fast food restaurant, he began to tap along with a big band song on the radio and then said, “Hey this is a catchy tune.” Not something you would expect from a four year old.  He has also told us of how he had a dream that he was a pitcher and even told us how great a basketball player he is.  Grampy Rock was a pitcher and a great basketball player. He also never wants to wear a shirt which, once again, when Grampy Rock was home or on vacation, he never wore shirts, even in the dead of winter.  We truly think that Grampy Rock is his guardian angel and who better to be watched over by than Jynx’s Dad. He was a great man.
 Little Man was on the red team for t-ball and when it became time to name the team, he was very insistent on Minions but the actual name became the Red Squirrel Minions.  My assistant coach’s son wound up on the Purple team and they became the Purple Minions.  I took this as a huge compliment to how much fun the kids had as soccer Minions.  I was looking forward to a fun t-ball season, finally a sport that I understood.
Unfortunately the t- ball season was not that great; many of the kids on his team did not show up.  One game we had more coaches on the field than players.  Little Man and his friend Noah were the only ones to make it to the game and Noah’s dad was also a coach so that made for three coaches and two players.  We were forced to either play with only two players or merge with another team.  This meant either Little Man was chasing every ball or none at all.  A few times during the season Little Man asked if he could go back to soccer.  I think we are going to call it a bad season and try t-ball again next year.
Our Fourth of July was as hectic as ever.  I had to do my usual get up at zero dark thirty and head up to Elgin to direct the parade then as soon as the parade was over race home since we had the chance to march in a parade representing the Dyer Kickers Soccer League.  Luckily I was able to make it back in time to meet everyone to march in the parade.  I don’t think Little Man completely understood what we were doing and Hope was just happy to be with all the kids again.
We waited and waited and at times it seemed like the whole town was in front of us at the parade.  Finally it was our turn to start and Little Man got right into it handing out flyers to everyone.  He was very determined and even out ran a few people just so he could deliver the flyer first.  Hope rolled in her stroller in the parade pushed by Auntie Jea Jea, she made it about halfway until the heat and the lack of a nap got to her and she fell asleep.  We quickly placed her into the backseat of the pickup truck towing the sign and she slept the rest of the way.  The parade was great fun and a great memory for all of us.  After walking in the hot parade we took a break and stopped at Dairy Queen for some lunch and some much needed ice cream.
As if we didn’t have enough memories on the fourth we then went home for a bit only to head out again for Auntie Jea Jea’s bowling.  After her bowling we grabbed some sandwiches and met some friends to watch fireworks.  I was just about done and ready to call it, and then the fireworks hit the sky.  I wasn’t in awe or energized by their beauty but rather the looks on Little Man’s and Hope’s little faces.  The look of wonder on them was just simply amazing.  Little Man kept us all laughing with his claims that this was the coolest thing he’s ever seen.  We headed home after enjoying a wonderful fireworks show and both kids fell asleep in the car.
July is a busy month for us with the fourth, Mom’s birthday, Hope’s birthday, Little Man’s birthday and our Anniversary.  Plans for the kid’s birthday party were set into motion as soon as the fourth was over.  This year thanks to Little Man’s love of Disney Junior and Jake and the Neverland Pirates we were doing a pirate and pirate princesses party.  Our next days were filled with preparation for the party.  The party was planned for a week after the kid’s actual birthday.  I was able to be home for part of Hope’s birthday but had to leave that afternoon for work in St. Louis and was unable to be home for Little Man’s birthday.  We had talked about telling him his birthday was later or earlier when I could be home but decided just to tell him the truth. 
The morning of Little Man’s birthday I woke up in my hotel room and headed down the street to one of my favorite breakfast places, Waffle House.  I sat there reflecting on the five wonderful years we have had with Little Man when I realized the significance of where I was.  Five years ago on the night Little Man was born we had driven through the night to be with little Little Man.  After being with him the rest of that night we awoke the next morning and I told Mom that I had never been to a Waffle House in my life so we decided to try it for breakfast before heading to the hospital.  Five years later, there I sat wishing Little Man could be there with me.  I felt awful that night when I called home and Little Man asked, “Don’t you usually get gifts on your birthday?”  I did my best to explain, Mom helped out by giving him a few small gifts until I could get home.
A few days later I returned from my trip and we headed out to Chuck E Cheese with Grandma Rosie and Grandpa Jim to celebrate both their birthdays.  Jame wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese for dinner and before we left we opened gifts.  Hope loves dolls and all the strollers that come with them she also loves purses and shoes she loves everything you would think a girl would love.  Little Man then opened his gifts and I think he was a bit confused when he got a helmet.  We then told him he had one more gift but it was outside.  We had it stored over at Grandma Rosie and Grandpa Jims and they brought it over for the big surprise.  His expression as he saw the bike for the first time was priceless.
  We have been working a bit on riding without the training wheels but it’s a process.
After the big reveal it was off to our fine dining at Chuck E Cheese.  This was Grandma Rosie and Grandpa Jim’s first visit to Chuck E Cheese and to be honest I’m not sure who had more fun the kids or Grandma and Grandpa.  We played at Chuck E Cheese until we wore out Grandma and Grandpa.  Hopefully the kids had good birthdays.
Next up was the birthday party to top all birthday parties.  Pirate and pirate princess was the theme for this party.  My new friend Pintrest sent it over the top.  We tried to keep the menu simple hot dogs but then things got a bit crazy with chicken walk the planks, seaweed salad (just pasta salad) a watermelon pirate ship that no one wanted to take fruit out of since it looked so cute.  Cousin Meghan, Auntie Jea Jea  and Mommy teamed up to make a pirate island cake.
The bounce house was up and the barrel train decorated like pirates.  I built a Captain Hook ring toss game.  I discovered dismantling wood pallets and rebuilding them into tables which lead me to the idea that if I could build a table, why not a pirate ship.  The pirate ship took a bit of work, several pallets and some paint from Auntie Jea Jea.  The pirate ship turned out nice and has been added to the kid’s fun land in the backyard.  I grabbed some black plastic pallets and built another pirate ship and gave it the mast of Captain Hook.  For the party, I put a plank to walk and a slip and slide down the middle of the two boats.  I filled two storage containers with water balloons I tied them until my fingers were sore from tying them. 
I hid the two containers by the ships under a tarp and just before it was time I snuck the containers into the ships without a single kid noticing.  I gathered the kids around and told them about the water balloons and gave them the choice what ship to choose.  I was surprised that more of them chose the black ship over the wood ship but it worked.  The smiles on the kid’s faces as the epic water balloon fight started was nowhere near the smiles I saw on the adults watching the balloons fly.  Water balloons flew back and forth and the smiles grew larger.  I still think about how awesome the water balloon fight was and smile and laugh.

We also had a treasure hunt for the kids where a map led them from one location to the next.  They went from the back deck to the beginning of the trail to the front porch to the swing set then to the wood pirate ship then next to the garage and finally back to the back deck where we had placed a treasure chest filled with toys and candy for the kids.  The kids had a great time following the maps to find the treasure.  Little Man and Bayle we’re really into it and studying the maps.

Of course we had to have a piñata.  Little Man had picked out a treasure chest piñata but when we got to the counter there was a big rip in it so we had to settle for a pirate skull.  The only problem is the skull was a pull string piñata that I hate.  I still let the kids hit the piñata but it holds up almost too well.  The good thing is that every kid got a swing at it including Hopey. Little Man got two turns at hitting the piñata and I love the smile he gets.  As usual eventually the blindfolds came off and all out hitting occurred until the piñata broke open.    
The Pirate birthday cake was a big hit.  The kids stood behind the cake placed on top of the now empty treasure chest.  Everyone sang Happy Birthday and Little Man stood there almost bursting with excitement, he was so excited that when the song finished he blew out his candle and Hopey’s as well.  We quickly lit Hopey’s so she could blow it out.  All in all it was a great party and I don’t think we will top it but if we can maintain the same level it will be awesome.
With the birthdays behind us we had our 20th anniversary together.  It still seems like last year we were married but according to the calendar it’s been that long.    The best quote for our marriage is from the 1989 movie Parenthood the Grandmother says “    20 years is quite a milestone but the best has only begun.
July, our busiest month was done and we moved into August.  National Night out was our next adventure.  We thought there was going to be fire trucks and naturally Little Man was more than excited to go.  When we arrived, we quickly noticed that there were no fire trucks but they had plenty of police cars and an ambulance.  Little Man was quickly interested in the swat team’s helmets, guns and tools.  He asked the guy all kinds of questions and tried on and held everything they would let him.  He was completely interested in the SWAT team until he saw the police dog and his attention went right to the dog and so did Hopey’s.  Daug! Daug! Is now what we here when she spots one and bi bi is what we here when she sees a baby.  The kids laughed and played with the dog then we got some food and enjoyed the rest of the festivities.  Then the police helicopter came flying in and all of Little Man’s attention went right to the helicopter.
The poor helicopter pilot had no idea what he was in store for when he landed at the park.  I had to do my best to hold him back as he was dragging me towards the helicopter.  Halfway to the helicopter another police officer started to talk to him and all Little Man wanted to know was how does the helicopter fly?  The officer started to explain how the roaders go around, “No”, said Little Man “I want to know how does it go forward and backwards.”  “I don’t really know” the police officer told him “but there is a pilot over there who can explain”.  Off we went heading right for the pilot and the question of how does it go forward and backwards was only the first question followed by a hundred others.  Little Man would ask a question and then look a bit more at the helicopter and come back with more questions.  At one point, I couldn’t help but laugh as Little Man tugged on the pilots pant leg and as he turned he said “Boy you have a lot of questions.”  Who knows maybe Little Man will be a helicopter pilot.

Last year was our first trip to the Indiana State Fair and we decided to go again and squeeze in a visit to see some relatives near Indianapolis.  We arrived in Indianapolis and the kids were very excited to be at the fair.  The threat of bad weather and it being a week day made the crowd was not as big as last year.  The kids of course wanted to head right for the rides but we needed to stop for lunch and what a better place than the State Fair, why not when you can get just about everything deep fried.  I went to get a burger and almost ended up with a burger on a doughnut; I thought about it but decided not to.  The kids ate better with the threat of no rides until they ate more. 
What better to compliment a deep fried fair lunch than some carnival rides.  Hopey was smiling and pointing wanting to go on every ride.  Unfortunately Hope is at that height where she cannot even get on all the kiddy rides.  Little Man however is at the height where he can go on a few of the adult rides.  Lucky for him Dad loves rides just as much.  We were able to convince some of the ride operators to allow Hope on some of the rides including the boats that just go around in a circle.  I’m not really sure why there’s a height restriction on that ride.  Little Man had no problem tackling the adult rides with a big smile on his face.  I have to admit I was a bit nervous for him on the flying kites with the kites so large and him so small, I held onto his hand just to be sure he was okay.  Just as with every ride we went on he got off and immediately wanted to ride again.  We did a pretty good job of riding every ride the kids were allowed on.  Hopey got a bit tired at one point and spent some time almost but not quite sleeping in the stroller.  Little Man had fun in two of the fun houses one for kids and the other an adult fun house that I think he was hiding and trying to scare people.
After we rode our hearts out we headed over to see the farm animals.  I think it’s always good for the kids to see the farm animals.  We walked through the pigs, horses, sheep and cow barns.  In the cow barn the kids were able to feed and pet some calves.  Hopey was a bit tentative around the calves but Little Man got the biggest kick out of holding a bottle that a calf was nursing from.  We then walked over and watched as the farmers milked a few cows.  Mom and I did our best to explain why and how the cow’s milk and how they would use it to feed their baby calves.  I can only hope that a bit of it sank in.
We later walked to the other side of the fair where we found a farm for kids where they got a basket and an apron.  Then followed a path through a farm to gather seeds, eggs and other things made on the farm and then turn them in for play money and then buy snacks with them.  The kids absolutely loved it and we had a great time with it as well.
We ate dinner as well at the fair and finished it off with deep fried red velvet Oreos and some deep fried chocolate chip cookie dough.  We rode a few more rides but the day was drawing to an end and we started heading back to the car.  One more refill on our huge lemonade cup and two funnel cakes one for Mimi and the other for the ride home.  The kids changed into pajamas and we were not even off the fairgrounds when they started falling asleep.  We drove over to the relative’s house to spend the night.
The next morning Little Man woke up wondering where he was, I guess the State Fair really wore him out.   They live on a farm outside of Indianapolis and they had just gotten a new puppy both Jame, Hope and the puppy hit it off.  I only wish I could bottle the energy the three of them have.  Jame had a great time with the puppy and the puppy had a great time tackling Hopey.  I asked Little Man how he liked the puppy.  “Good but he’s a bit arduous”, he responded.  I asked if that was even a word.  “Yes!” he responded “Okay then what does it mean?”  I asked, “Restless and hard to deal with”, he responded.  After a quick Google search I couldn’t believe it he was right.  I had to tell Mom and her response was to ask where he learned such a fancy word and he responded “Fox News” He is constantly telling us about sea life but we know he gets it from one of his favorite shows, Octonauts but this was definitely a new one.  Good luck to his teachers this year.
We had to cut our time in Indianapolis short so we could head back for the first of many meetings for the new soccer season.  This time it’s only Coach Mom and Dad, Coach Tim moved on to coach his own team so it’s all on us this season.  I guess one season under my belt and I’m the old coach who had to help along with Little Man to train the new coaches.  I do feel for the guys for as wonderful as coaching has been I remember how nervous I was that first season.
Next up on our summer was Ludington, MI.  We headed up there to see Grandma Vicki and Grandpa Mike at their cottage.  We had a great time in Ludington; the day we arrived the weather was not that great and Mom had some bad grapes that gave her food poisoning so we just chilled out the first day.  The kids had a great time with Grandma Vicki.  The next morning with Mom still under the weather we loaded up the motor home and we all headed to the beach.  Little Man had done nothing but talk about going to the beach and he was so excited when we finally arrived it was all we could do to get him to wait for the rest of us.  Although the water was a bit too cold for more than anything besides your feet and legs we had a great time on the beach.  I was able to take some long walks down the beach with the kids.  Mom did come out of the motor home for a bit to enjoy the sunshine but she was still suffering from the food poisoning.  That night we took a tour of the town and wound up at a burger and ice cream shop for dinner called House of Flavors.  They make their own ice cream and boy was it good, poor Auntie Jea Jea ordered mint chocolate chip and I think she got some of it.  Turns out mint chocolate chip is Little Man’s favorite ice cream and Hopey is just a sweet-a-holic.  The next day we took a quick tour of the dam and state park before we had to head back for the first soccer practice of the fall season. 
We are no longer the Yellow Minions; we are now the Green Ninja Turtles.  Little man wanted to be the Green Dinosaurs but he didn’t have the votes behind him for that.  The name came down between the Green Machine, The Green Apples and Green Ninja Turtles.  I wanted to be the Green Minion Pigs but I didn’t have the votes either.  The first practice went well but I do miss my Yellow Minions.
I do have to take a moment now and write about last night, our lives are very hectic and the calendar fills up quickly but sometimes in life it’s the unplanned moments that are the best.  With the Jeep at the mechanics, I took the train downtown but Mom and the kids came to pick me up. 
We decided to head over to Rainforest Café for dinner or as Little Man called it the jungle place.  Their eyes lit up when we walked in looking at all the animals and the huge fish tanks.  Hopey was just fascinated by the gorillas and kept pointing at them and if we allowed her she probably would have spent the entire night by them.  I promised the kids if they ate well we could order the volcano dessert and it worked like a charm.  Little Man finished off his pizza with the help of Hopey who decided she wanted it as well.  Little Man is an awesome big brother to his little sister.  The volcano arrived with the sparkler on top and their eyes lit up once again.  I do have to admit the volcano was pretty tasty.  We walked back to the car it was just a fun unplanned night with the kids.
I’m all caught up on our hectic summer but it’s still not over we are leaving soon to travel to Gackle ND where Grandma Ruth and Grandpa Rick have moved.  Little Man went the other day for his preschool orientation and our first Green Ninja Turtles soccer game is coming up.  The kids are at such a fun age I know it won’t but I wish it could last forever.