Wow, what a crazy but great Easter. We had so much to do and so little time but it was great fun. Little man is at the age now where holidays are becoming fun to spend time with him. Little man got some quality time with the Easter Bunny and he was a bigger hit than Santa.
A few days before Easter, the Bunny stopped by our house to say hello to Little Man. When he walked Little Man was unsure at the sight of this huge bunny standing inside the house. Already it was a big improvement from Santa since he didn’t run out of the room crying. Little Man walked up and gave the bunny five, but still a bit unsure, we walked over to a chair to see if we could take a few pictures. The Easter Bunny sat down but he was still unsure until he glanced over to see the picture with him and the Easter Bunny from last year. His face light up and he pointed with a big smile, the Easter Bunny was golden. We placed him on the Bunny’s lap and started taking pictures. After the pictures the bunny went to leave and little man waved goodbye, much to my surprise he ran to the backdoor to see where the bunny went.
The next day we decided to color Easter eggs. Jynx got a fancy new system to color the eggs, they were q tips filled with dye and when you snapped the end it filled the cotton with the dye. I went with the traditional method of dye tablets in the cups. I’m not sure what happened but the dye in the cups did not work too well. Jynx’s q-tips were a big hit and little man loved using the q-tips to color the eggs. He made a good mess of himself and the eggs and required a bath that night.
Easter Morning and I was up getting things ready when Little Man woke up, came out and saw the new Cars pajamas the Easter Bunny had brought for him. He let out a big gasp and ran over to them he looked then quickly ripped them down, I saw pieces of the hanger fly in the air. Jynx heard the noise and came to help him open the rest of his basket. Every time he pulled out a matchbox car, he wanted it opened immediately. Matchbox cars, Thomas Pez, bubbles, bunny and duck candy dispensers, pajamas and peeps are what the bunny brought for little man. First thing in the morning and already Easter was one of the best.
We got Little Man dressed and headed out for church. Little Man was very excited at church, I’m sure he had an idea this was a special day. He was also fascinated by all the butterflies hanging in the sanctuary. He was very good during church he stayed awake for the passing of the peace and the choir songs but quickly fell asleep during the sermon. After church the kids went outside for the egg hunt, it was a beautiful day for the egg hunt. Jame quickly got into the hunt and soon started putting eggs not only into his basket but other kid’s baskets as well. Little Man got a bit of help from the Easter Bunny during the hunt and took time to thank the bunny
with several hugs.
We arrived home and started to get ready for Easter dinner, Little Man went to play with his new matchbox cars. As family and friends arrived little man got more Easter gifts all that needed to get out of the package as soon as possible. He got a Tonka truck from Grandma Rose and Grandpa Jim; it was great to see the Tonka truck was still made out of metal. He quickly removed everything from the table to give the new truck a spin, soon after the matchbox cars were loaded in the back of the truck for a ride. He got a block train from his Great Uncle Brett that once again quickly required taking everything off the table so the train could get a proper test.
At the end of the day he was happy to get into his new Cars pajamas but fought going to sleep since he had so many new toys to play with. I’m not sure what I expected from this Easter, but with Little Man being so excited about the Bunny, the basket and the egg hunts, our future holidays are going to be great fun.