I was in the middle of craziness; covering political madness in Minneapolis when my phone buzzed with a text message. I reached down and grabbed my phone to view the message, I was assuming it was from our producer telling us to get out of there, but it wasn’t. It was a text message from Auntie Jea Jea “Hey Rog Big guy pooped in the potty.” All the screaming and yelling around me seemed to melt away as I read the message. Little Man had just taken one small poop but one giant poop towards potty training.

Now I do find it humorous that he is potty trained and yet still not saying much of anything. When we tell friends of his accomplishment they all tell us how great that is for a not quite 2 year old and for a boy at that. We are still working on the talking but it is not coming easy, we do our best to get him to ask for things but he always seems to find a way to let us know without talking. Just this morning, he saw me getting a drink and he wanted some and I knew it, but wanted him to ask. I waited for him to ask, but instead he walked over to the cabinet where his Sippy cups are kept and he opened up the cabinet, like there was not even a child safety lock on it and brought me not only the cup but the right lid for it as well. DOH!
We took Little Man to the Drive-In to see the new movie, Cars 2. We loaded into the Jeep with the top down, stopped off to pick up a pizza. Little Man was able to have some pizza, walk around and played with other kids. When the movie started he sat on my lap and was fixed on the screen as we watched Mater, Lighting McQueen and Pit Stop. Okay, Pit Stop is my favorite. He soon started to move around a bit and found his way to his little chair and eventually started walking closer and closer to the screen while holding the chair to his butt. The movie had to start late because of waiting for the sun to go down and he made it through the movie but was tired after it was over. The Drive-In lived up to our expectations and we reminisced about when we were first dating and would go to the Drive In. I’m hoping the Lakeshore Drive-In in Monticello, Indiana is around for years to come, so that Little Man will one day love the Drive-In as much as we have.