I know it’s been a bit since my last update. The reason I have not updated in awhile is the same reason Little Man has so many daddy guilt gifts lately. A daddy guilt gift is when dad has been traveling and away so much feeling guilty for not being around and buys a gift.

Little Man is doing great just growing way to fast. We are continuing with the speech therapy. The therapist tells us he is very advanced in everything (probably why he was potty trained before he was 2) expect for the speech. I was able to be home for one of the sessions, he had just received a new truck from John and when the therapist was over he noticed a screw on the truck. He pointed and ran into his bedroom grabbed his toolbox, opened it up and looked through it and grabbed the right flathead screwdriver to fit the screw. Needless to say I did not let him disassemble the truck but we were both amazed. The words do seem to be coming. We get the lk from milk, Dog, Oww and he still says the word train but without moving his lips.
Friday September 30, 2011 was our now annual trip to Great America’s Fright Fest. Our good friends get us in on this private party at Fright Fest the night before it opens. This year Little Man was actually tall enough to go on a few of the adult rides with a supervising adult. Not only was he tall enough but they also said that I qualified as a supervising adult (LOL). We were trying to convince Little Man to go on what looked like a version of the scrambler but he kept shaking his head no until I asked if he wanted to go on those cars then we couldn’t hold him back. After a quick measurement we were onto the first car and he climbed right in. I sat there the first few minutes before the ride and started wondering if this was a good idea. What if he started vomiting? How do I handle that, do I just keep yelling sorry to all the other people on the ride? The ride started out slowly and a smile grew on his face as a car moved along and then they ramped up the speed. As we whipped passed the other cars in Scrambler style, I looked down at Little Man whose mouth suddenly opened wide and a huge laugh came out of his mouth. Little Man loved the ride and laughed the entire time. Later that night, we took him on the big tea cups. Once again Little Man ran in and jumped right in and stated pounding on the wheel like a drum. Once the ride started, he laughed but then in Fright Night fashion the lights went out and a light show started with strobes and lasers, he was in simple awe of all the lights and sounds that now filled the room. Fright Night wore him out and we headed to the car with Little Man asleep in his wagon.
Sunday we headed to church some place we had not been to in a while due to hectic schedules. Our church was having service with several other churches and the service was different as each church had their choir sing and the choirs were definitely taking it up a notch. Little Man loved the music and even started patting his hands along with the bongo player in one of the songs. He also now claps at the end of the songs and even at the end of movies now.
Halloween is quickly approaching and since I’ve started writing this post a lot has happened. We had our annual Homecoming and bonfire. It was a great success, we carved a trail though the woods around our house, the driveway was repaved, we rented a bounce house from a neighbor and I we even resurrected the Haunted Hunt. Little Man dressed up as a train engineer and spent a good part of the night in the bounce house with the other children. He also enjoyed scarring people by saying, BOOO! The Haunted Hunt was great fun just to sit back and watch the teams struggle along from clue to clue, only at the end to tell us how much fun it was.
We made what I truly hope is our annual trip to County Line Orchard for pumpkins. We met Baley and her parents Wendy and Duane, and the kids were filled with excitement. The Corn Maze was a bit muddy but we got enough of it before we discovered an exit from the maze to the pumpkin patch. The kids love trying to pick up the pumpkins and it makes for some great pictures. Little Man did okay with the pumpkins but was more interested in the tractors, pulling wagons of people around the orchard. Once the tractor headed our way there was no stopping him from jumping on and heading up to the front to watch the tractor.