Thursday, April 26, 2012

Still Here

I know it has been a bit since I posted but life has just gotten in the way.  Not only was there the usual problems that keep me from posting like work, work and more work but also Jynx’s dad Grampy Rock has had some serious health problems.  The biggest was a heart valve that had deteriorated and he had to go in for open heart surgery.  They actually used cow tissue to make a new valve to replace his.  This is simply amazing and a true miracle.  He is recovering but it has been slow and our lives remain hectic.
So much has happened with Little Man that I need to write.  His talking improves on a daily basis and he has been putting together two and three words.  He has also been learning to count and knows his colors.  His favorite color is green.  We have also been working on his ABC’s and he can even pick out the letters when you ask him and if he feels like it at the time.  His speech therapist is amazed at his progress and comments on how advanced he is with puzzles, problem solving, and even his being able to count to 10 as most kids his age know the difference between 1 and 2.
When Grampy Rock went in for heart surgery, I of course searched for restaurants in the area and found Snackville Junction.  Although it’s not the original one that I went to as a kid, I thought it would be fun to take Little Man.  When we sat down at the counter the waitress handed Little Man some toy trains to play with, we ordered and the train blew its whistle and chugged down the counter bringing out our food.  Although it was not the original and Tyler’s is closer to us with a lot more to do, I enjoyed the walk down memory lane and Little Man had fun too.

This St. Patrick’s Day was great.  The weather was the best it has ever been and I actually had the day off, so we headed down for the dying of the Chicago River and for the parade.  I am always amazed at how green the river actually becomes, it almost seems as if it is glowing.  It was a lot of walking but we had a great time and Little Man loved seeing all the buses and boats and we even took a ride on the water taxi.  He loved being on the boat but near the end of the ride, he could no longer fight off his nap and he fell asleep.  We had a great day downtown and Little Man enjoyed himself.

The other day for some reason we were running for something to somewhere and we decided to stop at the Oasis and get McDonalds for lunch.  I had almost forgotten how much we loved eating above all the cars and trucks as kids.  The same was true for Little Man, as he sat there pointing out the trucks passing underneath us.  Well, it appears we are going to have to add the highway oasis to our fine dining list.

A week before Easter was Dyer’s Easter Egg Hunt.  I have to compliment Dyer on their Easter Egg Hunt, they do a fantastic job.  We arrived at the hunt with Grandma Ruth and Mimi with us, Little Man took some time to play at the park, and then we went over to the pavilion, where they had the Easter Bunny.  Little Man was not too happy seeing the Easter Bunny and wouldn’t let go of Dad and go near the Easter Bunny.  We then headed over to the tennis court for the hunt, the hardest thing is convincing two year olds that they can’t run all over and have to wait for the signal.  When they finally blew the whistle it was hard to convince him that it was now okay to run and pick up the candy.  Once he figured out that it was okay to grab the candy, he had a great time. 

Easter Sunday was hectic as always, we did our best the night before to prepare for everyone coming over.  We were up early and I woke up Little Man by telling him that the Easter Bunny was there and had left cars and trains for him in his Easter basket.  He woke up and came out to see all that the Easter Bunny had left for him.  If you ask me the Easter Bunny got a bit carried away this year.  We then ran out of the house for Sunday service.  We had communion on Easter Sunday and Little Man came up with us and grabbed a hold of the bread and ate it up, we have homemade bread, so I can’t blame him there.  Next came the juice and his eyes lit up, he loves the drinks in little glasses.  He quickly drank it down then put his fingers into the glass, to get the rest of the juice.  Once again, Jynx and I found ourselves trying not to laugh in church.  At the end of church there was an egg hunt and the Easter Bunny showed up again, Little Man was still not sure of the Easter Bunny but he would go up to him. 
After church we raced home and shortly after our guests arrived and the house was filled, even Grampy Rock had been given a day pass from his rehab at the hospital and was allowed home for the day.  All the Grandma’s and Grandpa’s were at our house.  We raced around and got our normal huge meal on the table.  After we finished a great meal, Little Man had opened all his Easter Baskets, and then Uncle Wally brought out the big surprise for Little Man. 
A few weeks before, Uncle Wally called saying that he found a Power Wheels Jeep and all it needed was a battery.  I ordered a battery and we placed it in the Jeep and Little Man with a big smile on his face took off racing around the driveway.  Uncle Wally and Uncle Brett were guarding the end of our circular driveway just to make sure he would not take off down the drive to the street. The Jeep was fast but we noticed that one wheel was not spinning.  After he was tired of driving it around Uncle Wally and I started to take it apart and found that it was the gears on the one wheel.  I found a shop in Downers Grove to have it fixed.  Little Man loves driving in his Jeep, although I don’t think the dogs are enjoying it as much.
Now that Easter is over our lives are getting back to almost normal.  Grampy Rock is out of the hospital but continuing his therapy at our house.  April 15th meant taxes were due and Jynx was busy with those.  We also found out that our Dear Birthmother letter needed to become a scrapbook, so I took up that challenge.  We are still waiting for a sibling for Little Man and hopefully the new scrapbook will help and Little Man will have one soon.