The Chicago Bulls and the Chicago Blackhawks have for years
taken what is known as the circus break while Ringling Brothers and Barnum
Baileys circus was at the United Center.
I would drive and see the signs for the show and think how wonderful it
would be to go. This year it seemed perfect for Little Man to enjoy the circus.
A phone call to Bayle’s mom and dad and they were up for
going as well and also found coupons for all of us. I could hardly wait and checked the website
over and over again not only were the tickets not that expensive but free
parking as well and a pre show before the circus. Little man was very excited as well he would
ask every morning if we were going to the circus with Bayle today.
Unfortunately when the day arrived Bayle was not able to be
there for the pre show but was going to make in time for the show. When we arrived I realized why the tickets
were so cheap because they were going to get us on everything else from the
programs, souvenir flashlights, cotton candy, popcorn and the pizza.
The pre show was fantastic we headed right down to the floor
of the United Center and there were clowns and performers all over. We watched the dog act of course Little Man
loves dogs I think he was more impressed with the dogs than he was the
elephants. We then spotted a bounce
house and once again they got us with a charge to go into the bounce
house. Who is going to tell their kid
that they can’t go into the bounce house?
Mom was extremely worried about Little Man in the bounce house since it
was filled with wild and crazy kids until we peeked over the one side to see
Little Man doing a good job of holding his own in the craziness and laughing
the entire time. We then grabbed some
clown noses for us and Bayle’s family and headed to our seats.
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CHILDREN OF ALL AGES!” The show was fantastic and kept moving along
to keep the kids interested. The high
wire act, the motorcycles, the elephants and of course the dog act kept Little
Man interested. I’m not real sure who
had a better time the kids or the adults but it is something we definitely have
to do again.
Just after the circus was done I was driving to work and
noticed the circus train sitting in our little town. I made a phone call home and Little Man with
the help of Aunt Gi Gi got to see a real circus train. I do have to admit it’s not the same as the
cartoon circus train but still fun to see anyway. The circus is one that we will have to see
again and I can already hardly wait.