Sunday, January 2, 2011

Merry New Year!

We traditionally have people over to our house on New Years and play a game called "Screw your neighbor" it's a simple card game.  Everyone is dealt one card, the ace is the low card and a king is the high card if you are dealt a king you flip your card over immediately and you are

safe for that round.  The Pearson to the left of the dealer starts they can decided if they want to keep their card or trade with the player to their left.  The entire object is not to have the lowest card.  The game goes around the table and everyone gets a chance to trade with the person on their left the only exception is if the player has a king the that person is stuck with that card.  The play ends with the dealer and usually a low card has made it's way all the way around to the dealer.  The dealer is then allowed to either keep the card or take another off the top of the deck.  We usually play for three dimes if you have they low card you place a dime in the pot, you are out of the game when you loose all three dimes.  It's a simple game and is a lot of fun on New Years.
This year with the nice weather I decided to fire up out turkey deep fryer and deep fry just about everything.  I had read on Thanksgiving that after you take out the turkey and your waiting for it to rest that you could do some onion rings.  I tried to do onion rings and some sweet potato fries, needless to say they did not turn out to well and as usual when something fails for me I become obsessed in figuring out what went wrong.  Yes on New Years I redeemed myself with some beer battered onion rings that were fantastic.  We also did some fish, poppers, chicken wings and mozzarella sticks.  After welcoming the New Year we deep fried some Twinkies and Oreo's that also turned out great.  2011 showed up deep fried pretty funny for a year that I'm gonna try and loose some weight in. 

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