Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

We took Little Man to the town Easter egg hunt this weekend and he seemed to have a great time.  We rushed out of the house Saturday to the park only to wind up at the wrong park.  Doh!  I spun the minivan around and raced to the right park, I was convinced we would pull up to see a bunch of kids walking away from the hunt.  We arrived at the park to find and empty parking lot and a girl standing there in a raincoat who informed us the hunt had been rained out but it would be held at the same time tomorrow.
The next day came and we headed out early to the right park.  We arrived this time with plenty of time which was good since the parking lot was filling up quickly.  We were hoping to see the Easter Bunny just to see how Little Man would react to him but no sign of the Bunny.  We made our way to the two and under part of the hunt, which was located in the tennis courts.  The workers kindly asked us to stay along the fence.  HA!  Good luck keeping an almost two year old along a fence and away from a bunch of candy and plastic eggs blowing in the wind.  We were not alone in or struggle.
After several agonizing minutes of holding Little Man back the siren rang out and off he went.  Little man was not too sure at first but he quickly got the hang of it.  Our first priority was to get an egg; each child was allowed one egg that was turned in later to get a bunny sippy cup.  Little Man loved running around picking up the prizes which were mostly goldfish and cheerios.  He soon began to pick up the prizes and started to place them in other kids bags mostly girls.  As his Mom said “He likes the ladies.”  Of course I had to jump in quickly and remind him to put the treats into his basket.
Little Man finished the hunt and we stuck around for the raffle.  Number after number after number was called. I thought for sure we were going to be the only ones not winning a prize but our number was called and we think everyone got a prize and near the end they announced that if your number had not been called you could come up and they had bubbles for any children that were left.  Little Man fell asleep before we hit the car and took a nice nap.  Later that day he awoke to play with some of the toys and eat the candy from his great hunt.  I’m sure he enjoyed the day but I know we enjoyed the day just as much.   

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