Thursday, April 28, 2016

Summer Birthday's

Summer 2015 was not going to let last winter show her up and we were hit with the heat and humidity.  We are ones to never let weather stand in our way and it may have slowed us a bit at times but we did not let it win.  This was also the last summer before Little Man starts his academic career and we needed it to be great.
We blinked and the Fourth of July was upon us, the soccer club was once again marching in the parade and Mom had bought a new trailer this year for her business but it seemed like the perfect thing for the parade.  We decked it out with walls, decorations and benches for the kids to stand and sit on during the parade.  I woke up early that morning and headed out to Elgin Illinois to direct the parade there.  I always enjoy their parade and my hope is that one year the kids can come out to see it with me.  As soon as the parade was over I quickly said goodbye and headed for the Munster parade.  I made it in time and quickly changed into the soccer ball costume.  Grandma Rosie and Grandpa Jim joined us and rode in the truck.  Auntie JeaJea marched along with us. Rock and Mimi stayed home with Auntie Jame.   The kids had fun seeing all their soccer friends and playing before we started.  The parade was extremely hot but they toughed it out and had some fun along the way.

Jame decided to try playing in the three on three tournament in soccer so, his off season from soccer was not only filled with Summer Camp, Sporty for Shorty’s and now soccer practice.  This was the first time the soccer club had a lot of teams playing in the tournament.  Jame’s team was young for the tournament and it became clear that not only were they young but they also were outplayed by more advanced teams.  The biggest thing was that he had fun that day playing soccer and hanging out with the other kids.
The Gruesome Twosomes birthday was getting close and plans were on a roll for the big day.  This year we had decided on a cowboy cowgirl party.  Mom had gotten a lead on horses for horse rides.  We started off with a cowboy photo shoot for the invitations the kids had great fun getting dressed up and playing cowboys, well Jame and Hope did I’m not so sure Rock knew what was going on.  I took the pictures and came up with a wanted poster invitation that with a little help from some old coffee and burned the edges.  The invitation turned out fantastic, now all we needed to do was top last year’s pirate party.

I shared my Pintrest finds and we were off.  We raided the recycling center to get cardboard boxes to build an old west town.  Auntie JeaJea did an awesome job of designing the town, complete with Mimi’s Café, School House “Rock”, Miss Hope’s Boarding house Jame’s General Store, a saloon and of course a Sherriff’s office and jail.  I ordered a bunch of squirt guns so we could have a shootout on the street.   Auntie JeaJea and Mimi gathered a bunch of milk jugs and other plastic jugs and with a little paint they became totem poles, they turned out very whimsical and a perfect fit for the party.  We used mom’s new trailer and turned it into a stage coach with the help of some PVC pipe and a painter’s tarp.  We also had the train, a piñata and of course the bounce house.  With the help of Facebook, I made wanted signs for all those who planned on attending.

All of our planning and hard work could not overcome the weather.  The days and weeks before the party the weather was either extremely hot or rainy.  The day before the party we had to lay a mulch path from the back to the front since the ground was so wet.  The path actually worked out since it led everyone right threw the old west town.  I took the tractor for a spin, it was wet on the trail but passable.  After all the rain the day of the party the temperature shot up.  We got a lot of people and kids who thought it was just too hot to go out.  We forged ahead and changed a few things; there was a great shootout and everyone joined in shooting everyone, it was a pleasant cool down on a hot day.  We still did the piñata and ran the train but some of the games we nixed because of the extreme heat.  

The horses showed up and we had hoped that they could walk down the path but it was too wet.  Instead they walked around the drive.  Mom did a great job, Hope’s eyes lit up when she saw the horses coming into the yard.  Hope could hardly contain herself wanting to jump up on the small pony.  Once she got up, I thought we might never get her off.  Hope wanted nothing to do with the big horse but kept riding the pony over and over again.  Jame had no problem and jumped right up on the big horse and rode it around, he even felt the need to go inside and take his bathing suit off and get into his cowboy outfit to ride the horse.  The kids and adults had a great time riding the horses and then feeding apples to the horses.  

Getting a cowboy cake was not as easy as we had thought it would be; I guess kids are not into cowboys as they once were.  We called our normal place to order the cake and asked if we could get photos on it and they informed us the photo machine was broken and they had no idea when it would be up again.  A few more phone calls and a couple of stops at bakeries we found that Walt’s would be able to do the cake with the pictures.  Walt’s did an awesome job with the cake and went above and beyond it was simply terrific!  When we cut into the cake the taste was just as good.  I think we found a new place for cakes.

The party did not go off as planned but the kids did have fun and enjoyed themselves.  The heat and humidity may have dampened the plans but it was still a great time and a lot of memories for the kids.  I have already begun pinning for next year’s Star Wars party.  The kids have begun watching Star Wars in anticipation of the release of Star Wars 7 this winter.  Hope has decided that Darth Vader is her favorite because he lifts people up with his hands.  I guess it is time to trade in the six shooters for lightsabers.   

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