Thursday, October 28, 2010

Too Busy

Wow where did the time go?  So much going on and I just did not find the time to write about it.  The Homecoming Bon fire, The Pumpkin Patch and so much more has happened with little man.  Homecoming for adopted children is the day that the adoption is made official.  We were with Little Man on the day he was born but he was not officially ours until October 21st. 
We were in the line at Babies R Us waiting to buy a car seat and stroller, Jynx's girlfriend Wendy had called asking if we wanted to go to Pirogi-fest as we had the year before.  We told her that we had hoped not to go and told her the story and that we were going to be in Florida for the birth of our son.  Wendy was very excited and came right over, she convinced us that we needed to buy a car seat to bring the little guy home in.  We had an adoption before that had failed and we were trying not to get too excited but we thought if it did not work out we could simply put the seat in the garage.  My phone rang as we stood in line to buy the seat and we were on our way.  We raced home packed up my Jeep and went to drop the dogs off when my phone rang again with a text message.  The message was a picture of Little Man.
I drove threw the night and into the next day only stopping for gas and coffee along the way.  We arrived at the hospital met the birth mom and she took us over to meet little guy for the first time.  The birth mom walked away to give us time with him and the nurses came running asking where she had gone and what happening.  I pointed to our lawyer and she explained the entire thing.  After that the nurses were very nice to us but we did spend the next two days in a conference room with the Little Guy.  
We then had to spend 2 weeks in Florida waiting for Judges from both Indiana and Florida to approve the adoption.  I felt like a fugitive hiding from the law.  We were lucky to be able to stay at Jynx's cousins house for the time.  At the end of the two weeks our lawyer simply sent us a text message saying we could leave the state.  
Even after all of this he still was not officially ours.  Since we were out of state we had to be on the phone with a judge in Florida and a Notary Public had to be with us.  Luckily the couple that lived across the street from me who I consider to be family she was a Notary and was honored to do it for us.  We consider them to be Grandparents to Little Man.  We gathered at their house and got on the phone with the judge, he verified who we were and asked us a few questions.  The Judge asked if we stood to profit from adopting this child?  He asked if the child owned any property?  Then he signed the paperwork and congratulated us.  We hung up the phone and the tears started.  October 21, 2009 the day Little Man was not only in our hearts but he was now legally ours.  Even today as I write this I still get chills.  One day I need to write a book on the entire experience.

The day he became ours.
It was hard to believe the night of the bon fire that it had been a year since all that happened.  We rented a bounce house one of his favorite things for the night.  I took him to the store earlier in the day and filled he cart with ball to put in the bounce house.  As I walked with him sitting in the cart and the cart filled with balls everyone commented on what a lucky boy he is.  He may not of known what was going on but it made me feel good about my dad status.  He had a great time in the bounce house and all the balls inside.  The night was a great night for a fire and little man had fun with all the other kids who showed up.  My only regret from the night was we made him a cake to tear into and time got away and he did not get the cake that night.  He did have plenty to eat and finally fell asleep in his wagon.  Happy Homecoming day Little Man.

Loving the Bounce House

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