I'm sitting here the day after Christmas watching Polar Express for what seems like the 500th time. Don't get me wrong I love this movie but even the DVD is getting tired of playing. If you haven't guessed Little Man loves the movie of course it's because it has a train in it. He loves everything trains Polar Express, Thomas and Dinosaurs On A Train. Yes there is a show called Dinosaurs On A Train just look it up. I know I laughed as well the first time.
We tried Little man with Santa again but no luck more screaming and running away, oh well maybe next year. Christmas Eve we went to church driving through a snow storm to get there that night with little man dressed in one of his many Christmas outfits. He quickly found his Grandpa Jim and brought him a book to read. Little Man kept us all entertained during the service, I don't think we heard much of the service that night. We drove home again through the snow, it reminded me of all the Christmas movies and the beautiful snow fall in them. My ideal holiday season would start snowing a bit everyday from the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas and we just about had that this year. I do have to admit it was nice putting Christmas lights up before the snow hit.
Christmas morning I awoke with the mission to clear the drive. Our house sits on a hill so the drive up can be a bit treacherous with the snow. Little Man's Grandpa Jim and Grandma Rose asked for a ride over to our house for Christmas day. After clearing the drive I loaded up Little Man and off we drove in a Christmas wonderland of snow. The snow was gorgeous as it glistened as we made our way over to their house. When we arrived at their house they opened the door to reveal all the presents they had bought for him, it took a bit but we got them all loaded up and headed home.
As I walked through the house this morning I got a feeling of what it must of felt like for my parents wondering what in the world to do with all the new toys that have entered the house. We know have a pup tent, a rocking horse, a tricycle, a couple of trains and several books that we need to find homes for. Little man did spend a good part of Christmas on the rocking horse in fact he almost fell asleep on it. This morning I never thought I would ever stop pushing him on his tricycle and he did eventually take a nap in his pup tent.
Once again Christmas has regained it's magic in our lives and as much as I would like to say it was the best Christmas I know that for years to come Christmas will again be magical in our household. Merry Christmas.
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