I was thinking how have I gotten this far into my blog and not mentioned the adventures of stinky and stanky. Jynx's mom who we refer to as Mimi bought a lime green little pillow for Little Man and we placed it in his crib. One day when I went to get him out of his crib in the morning he leaped back to grab the little green pillow and that was the first time I noticed his attachment to it. Little Man began carrying around the pillow everywhere and soon the pillow found it's way to his teething mouth and all that saliva. You probably guesses it by now the pillow began to stink and stink good but he loved the thing and wanted it with him especially when he was asleep. We did our best at times to wash the pillow but the drool would have stinky back in condition before long. Stinky became essential for sleeping and it would be a long night if stinky was not in the crib that night.
Little Man sleeping with Stinky and Stanky
We went one night to a restaurant and stinky came along for the ride we had dinner and then ran some errands but that night we found stinky had been left behind. I called the restaurant in the morning and they did have him but they were not open until later that day. I walked into the restaurant that night and asked about the little green pillow and the staffs eyes opened wide, they started to whisper to one another, one started to empty the garbage can and another told me a manager was looking for it and soon would be out to talk with me. I had no doubt that stinky a beat up little green pillow was now in the trash and my only hope was that they would remember what bag he was tossed in. I was just starting to think what we were going to do with out stinky when suddenly one of them produced stinky. I honestly did not care what happened to him I was just glad we had him back. Yes, we went home and washed him before he was reunited with Little Man. This was the last time Stinky went out to dinner with us in fact we don't let him out of the house much.
Stanky is the same type of pillow only purple and is cherished the same as stinky. We took both pillows to Florida with us for Little Mans first birthday. We told the family down there about the pillows and how valuable they were and our rules that they do not leave the house. It was Jame's cousin Sara that inquired more about the pillows and we told her how we named the one Stinky and if you told him to go get Stinky he knows who that is and would grab him. Sara asked what we called the other pillow but we did not have a name for that one. Sara sat there for a few seconds and she started calling them Stinky and Stanky. We all had a good laugh and the adventures of Stinky and Stanky were born.
Now both pillows are cherished and they are both heavily guarded, we do not let them out of the house for fear they will be lost. Stinky does not live up to his name much more thankfully but occasionally he does need to be washed and we get worried every time we place him in the wash that he holds together. I'm not sure how long this will continue with the two but I feel if they last we may have to place them in a trophy case when they are finally retired.
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