This definitely was not my first road trip since Little Man was born but it is different now that he is a bit older. I love the fact that his eyes light up when I arrive home from work and it breaks my heart when I need to leave for work and he’s crying for me not to leave. Although I do miss the days when he was just a baby this new toddler stage is great fun.
I left for D.C. for work with the thought that I need to bring him something back and the hope that in the few days that I was gone he would not forget me. Driving to D.C. and stopping at different gas stations and truck stops I kept looking for something to bring home to Little Man but I found nothing. I remember when I was a kid and my dad would sometimes come home from work with a candy bar for us and my Grandmother who did a ton of traveling would bring us something home. I know that I could have stopped at a gumball machine and bought him a toy for 50 cents and he would have been happy but I put the pressure on myself to find something he would like and that was fitting for the trip.
After traveling all the way to Washington and finding nothing I was feeling the pressure to find that perfect gift. We arrived late into Washington and I had an early call in the morning. The next day we arrived at the location for the shoot and I could tell it was going to be a long day, but we managed to get threw it with some time left in the evening. I looked at the gps to realize my travels had us close to the White House. I had never been to Washington D.C. or seen the White House. I convinced Chris and Michelle the other two people I was traveling with to swing by the White House. We parked the car and began the cold walk to the White House after a few minutes of taking pictures we headed for some place warmer. We walked across the street and found the White House gift shop. I was sure to find something here.
It took me a few minutes of walking around to find the perfect gift for Little Man. I was looking for a Presidential train since he is into trains right now but no luck. I kept asking myself in the store why was I putting myself threw all of this why not just get that gumball gift he’s not going to care. I just about had myself convinced that I was not going to find anything when I saw it. No it was not a train but a toy Air Force One that was the perfect toy for Little Man. The toy AF1 would light up and if it bumps into something it heads the other direction, this was it my search was over and I could relax on the ride home knowing I had found a good dad’s (home) gift. I’m sure to make many mistakes as a dad but at least this one I was able to accomplish my dad job on this trip.
I arrived home from the long drive back and to my pleasure Little Man had not forgotten who I was. When he saw me his eyes light up again and came running to me for a big hug. I gave him the airplane and he stared at it in the box for a bit and then let me take it out. He ran around with it and then kept pointing to it as it bumped its way around the floor the whole time lighting up and making noise. I had a great time watching him play with his new toy until I realized my new dad mistake; next time get a quiet toy that does not require batteries. Oh well he loves his new plane and I think he plays with it as mu
ch as President Obama plays with his. LOL

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