Monday, April 11, 2016

Easter 2015

We were all excited to watch old man winter give way to spring, warmer temperatures and longer days were just right around the corner.  We were going to need the longer days to fit in all the activities spring had in store for us.  Spring certainly had some stuff to spring on us and milestones to reach.
Before the snow even melted plans were being made to stripe the soccer fields now that Mom had us on the soccer board.  Soon to follow another season of coaching and a new team this season we became the Black Knights.  I never thought I would love coaching soccer of all sports as much as I do but I know it has more to do with the smiling little faces at me than the game itself.  We are still trying to figure out how much Jame likes soccer sometimes he tells us he wants a break and then it seems as soon as we give him a break he asks why we aren’t going to soccer anymore.  The other fun at soccer this season is watching Hopey she loves to sit on the bench with the kids and she even practices with the kids but her attention span is only so long
The Dyer Easter egg hunt was first up on our Easter celebration this year.  I was in Texas working so Mom, Mimi and Grandma Vicki took Jame and Hopey to the hunt.  The town does a really great job of putting on the hunt but it is harder now with the two kids in different age divisions.  They hand out a ton of prizes, Hopey won a basket but Jame did not it made things a bit awkward for awhile until Mom suggested they share the basket. 

Jame’s favorite restaurant has become an Easter tradition with us now we have a “special” relationship with the Easter Bunny and love to see him there.  Grandma Vicki and Grandpa Mike joined us along with some other old woman who I don’t know but somehow she is related.  Auntie Jea Jea also hopped over with us.  We were there a long time in fact I think the Easter Bunny left before us.  The night was filled with a lot of fun.  Jame had no problem with the Easter Bunny and neither did Rock but Hopey wanted nothing to do with the bunny.  The Easter bunny tried and tried to play with her but she was not going to give in.  Hopey did have a great time playing with Grandpa Mike and Grandpa Mike liked the Easter Bunny but even with that going for the bunny Hopey was still not a fan.

Normally we would try and go to the big helicopter egg drop but Aunt Wendy and Bailey called and asked if we would like to join them at Water Park that they belong to.  It was still too cold for the water park but they had plenty of Easter games and things to do on a spring morning.  This time it was Mom who was tied up and could not make the event so I set out with Jame and Hopey to Aunt Wendy’s house.  This was truly a change where mom could not make it but dad was able to make it good thing Aunt Wendy was there to help dad in his new role.  We arrived at the Water Park and the kids were very excited just about jumping out of the car to get to the park.  Once again the Easter Bunny was there to greet us and Jame had no problem meeting him but Hopey would not even look at him.  The kids quickly focused on the bounce houses; I always find it amusing since they have a bounce house at home with no line.  Luckily the lines for these were much shorter than the ones at the egg drop. 
The announcements started for a potato sack race and we asked the kids who wanted to try it out since none of them had ever done it before.  I was very proud that Jame was willing to give it a try.  We got him in the sack and all lined up for the big race, the race started and he started hopping away.  He fell a few times but always got back up and finished the race.  I was very happy that he did not let the falls get to him and he kept jumping. 
We then lined up for the first egg hunt and when the horn sounded the chaos started I tried my best to get Hopey to move a bit faster but she wanted to take her time and look at each piece of candy and place it gently into the basket.  Hope did not get much candy and when we found Bailey and Jame they did not do much better either.  We walked away rubbed our wounds and made plans for the next hunt. 

In the time between hunts we walked over to the petting zoo they had set up.  I was amazed at the animals they had there.  I was expecting goats, rabbits and a pony but they had a Kangaroo. I had never seen a kangaroo before in a petting zoo.  I was amazed by the kangaroo Hopey was amazed by the pony they had and couldn’t get enough of him.  Jame was running from bunny to goat to the horse and even a brief look at the kangaroo.  I eventually walked over to the strange animal in the petting zoo, the camel.  The camel took an immediate liking to me or more so my hat.  As soon as I got close to the fence the camel marched over and started playing with my hat.  The encounter was a bit tense at first but when I figured the camel was just there for fun we had a good time.  I took time and held both kids and they would get a nice up close visit from the camel, they were both nervous at first but then couldn’t help but laugh.
We now had our plan on how to get the most candy for the hunt as we lined up for the next run.  Aunt Wendy took a moment and went over the strategy on last time with the kiddos before the horn blew and they were off.  They did listen and were soon grabbing candy and filling up their bags.  Before you knew it the locust of children stripped the field of every last piece of candy and everyone stood there staring at each other.  We had our victory and full bags of candy.  We played a few carnival games before we headed out back to Aunt Wendy’s house and then the car ride home where both kids took a nap and I wished I could have joined them, it was a very busy day.

Easter Morning was here and the Easter Bunny did not disappoint.  When the kids got up they headed in to the front room but in that true silly Easter Bunny fashion there was only one basket for Rock along with an egg and a note for Jame and Hope.  The note read “For Jame and Hope Love The Easter Bunny” Looking a bit puzzled they opened the egg and there was a picture of Rock’s bassinet so they went there and sure enough another egg this time with a picture of silverware the hunt lead them all over the house finding more and more eggs with pictures in them.  My heart was filled with joy when I heard him say “Now this is a real egg hunt!”  Their laughs as they found the clues were all my heart needed on that Easter Morning.  Eventually the hunt led them to the bathtub where both of their Easter Baskets were hidden.  They quickly got into all the toys and candy.  Our Easter was finished off with Family and friends stopping by and celebrating.
Easter was once again a wonderful time of year and we built some great memories and we can only hope that in years to come that Hope comes to like to bunny and Rock will as well.  It will be interesting to see how Santa goes this year.  Thank you Easter Bunny!

I missed last year’s spring soccer tournament due to work.  This year it worked out that my schedule did not interfere.  I arrived at the field shortly after the crack of dawn and started setting up; Mom brought Jame, Hope and Mimi later.  Uncle Brett made the trip out to the tournament as well.  The day had a Chick-Fil-a cow playing soccer with Spiderman and then Anna and Elsa showed up to paint faces.  Our first game went well against the Lime Green Leprechaun Dogs but our second game was funny since most of the team had decided to have their faces painted.  Hopey had her face painted by Anna who also painted a soccer ball on my bald head.  I had two girls named Madison on the team this year and one had a princess’s crown painted on her forehead so to this day we still call her princess.  Hope now likes to be called princess as well.  The tournament was a huge success and a lot of fun for the kids.  The Black Knights played well and we built a lot of memories on the day.

Jame wrapped up his last year in preschool and they had a graduation for his class. He did well in preschool this year but we do think he may have been a bit bored since we were seeing many of the same arts and crafts projects come home.  Work kept me away from the graduation but Grandma Rosie, Grandpa Jim, Grandma Vicki and Grandpa Mike were there along with Auntie JeaJea and Mommy.  Next year he starts kindergarten I think he is ready but I’m not so sure about Mom. 

Also in May was one of my favorite times of the year, Movies in the park.  This year it was Big Hero 6.  Luckily my crazy work schedule allowed me to be there but the weekend following it is the town fest and work was taking me to Nashville.  The town sets up a big blow up screen in the park and everyone brings out blanket, chairs and something to eat.  Mom, Meghan and as I call them now the Gruesome Twosome Hopey and Jame got Pop’s beef sandwiches and Auntie Jea Jea showed up with White Castles.  It was a beautiful night and the kids enjoy running and playing in the park before the movie, it is hard to calm them down later when the movie does start.  Jame is a pretty good movie watcher but Hopey is only good for short moments at a time.  I flew out of town the next day and Mom and Auntie Jea Jea found sometime between the rain to take the kids to the carnival and even watch some fireworks.

In May, the Soccer club arranged a trip to a Chicago Fire Game and a picture on the field that night.  We were very excited but the weather was not.  All day we watched the radar and thought the rain would blow over but no luck.  Jame had scored two goals in the prior game and I had told him he could use it to get two things at the game.  We arrived at the game and headed for the souvenir stand Jame picked out a ball and a giant foam finger that looked like a flame for the Chicago Fire.  We arrived at our seats and yes they were under the awning but the wind was still whipping around and the rain still falling.  I did my best to shield the kids from the rain as they huddled under a blanket.  Jame and Hope got a big kick out of the fireworks at the opening introductions but they loved the mascot Sparky.  The game started and I actually found it interesting and chuckled to myself, as I understood what was going on.  As the game progressed and the weather was still just as bad we would occasionally ask the kids if they were ready to leave, they always replied no.  Auntie Jea jea  leaned over to me at one point and said “We love the Cubs but, we would never stay in a storm this bad to watch the Cubs and yet here we sit in this storm watching soccer.”  I couldn’t agree more, I guess it is truly amazing what you do for your kids.  Yes we stayed the entire time and the Chicago Fire won but we did not even want to go down to the soaked field to have our picture taken, we only wanted to leave.  We took a couple of pictures in the stands and headed for the warmth of the car.

It was near the end of the soccer season, when a few emails starting flying back and forth between soccer board members.  Mom and I did our best to keep the peace but some were hurt and others were just fed up.  When the dust settled and the smoke cleared there was a finger pointed at me saying “I nominate Roger.”  The next thing I knew I was now president of the soccer club.  I thought it wasn’t going to be that hard or difficult but boy was I wrong.  Soccer moms and dads can be really mean.  I’m now starting to get used to it and hopefully moving the club forward.
The soccer season ended too quickly for me.  This was Jame’s last season in U8 along with a few other kids that I had coached for a few seasons now.  Jame was moving up a division and my decision of where to coach next season would soon have to be made.  I wish that I could coach two teams but my crazy schedule would not allow it.  The decision was not an easy one and I spent a few nights tossing and turning thinking about it.  I finally decided to stay and coach in the U6 division and see how Jame does with a new coach. 

With soccer done and the summer in full swing we decided to put Jame and Hope in day camp with the parks department and Jame once a week would go to a camp called Sporties for Shorties.  We had no idea they would love the camp as much as they did.  The day camp kept them busy with arts and crafts, visits from the works department where they brought out tractors for the kids to sit in.  The police department had a day where they brought out police cars and the fire department brought out the fire truck for them to see.  They even had a grandparent’s day where Mimi, Grandma Rosie and Grandpa Jim went with them to camp.  When we would pick them up from camp it was fun to hear the adventures they had that day but you would always hear from Hope that they sang the goodbye song.  They absolutely loved camp.
We thought Sporties for Shorties would be good for Jame to see what sports he might enjoy and maybe another chance for t ball that he did not like.  I’m confident that he did not like t ball since his team never showed up at one point we had more coaches than players.  They showed him a bunch of sports not just t ball but basketball, tennis and yes even soccer.  I was able to attend one day and they had an obstacle course set up for the kids and they ran and ran and ran the thing, it was right up Jame’s alley.  As normal on those days we raced from sporties to day camp so he could finish out the last hour at camp with Hope.  He loved Sporties for Shorties but I do not think we have a better idea of what sport he likes, he claimed to like them all.

Rock is getting bigger and bigger and will soon be giving the gruesome twosome a run for their money.  He likes to grab the stools in the kitchen get them onto his walker then walk around with the stool.  They are all growing way to fast it seems like yesterday we were heading to pick them up and now we are planning Jame’s 6th and Hopes 3rd birthday.

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