Monday, October 4, 2010

Frightning Weekend

What a great weekend we all had.  Friday we went to Fright Fest at Great America it's an event that is private but we get ticket though friends of ours.  It's usually a great time since the line to the rides are extremely short.  In years past I've done so many roller coasters that I've felt a bit nauseous and had to take a moment.  This almost never happens since I'm a bit of a roller coaster junkie.  My biggest problem is that I yell and laugh so hard I sometimes get a bit of a headache.  I had to work on Friday but was planning on getting done early and sure enough the Judge started to run through he cases and I was going to make it in plenty of time.
I met Jynx, Little Man and Wendy Bailey and the rest of the Johnson clan at Gurnee Mills but we quickly left to head over to the park.  We got to the parking lot and started unpacking our new reality of having to bring a ton of stuff along with little man.  We brought his wagon that I had spent the night before fixing since I had put the wheels on the wrong side.  Baily noticed the wagon and quickly wanted to ride in that instead of the stroller.  The two of them had a great time in the wagon trading sippy cups back and forth.
We found only one of the kids worlds open that night unfortunately it was the Wiggles World, I would have rather the Looney Tunes one was open.  Little man had fun in the planes and driving the cars but his favorite was the slides.  Little Man has no fear and was climbing the rope ladder to get up to the big slide then he would jump down the tube flipping all around down the slide scaring us to death but then laughing and running to do it again.  At one point we stopped him from the big slide but he ran to the little slide and started to run down it I caught him only in time to slow down his fall.  We held him for a few minutes after that just to calm him down a bit. 
We finally left Wiggles World and headed to the food court.  We found a table and I stayed with Wendy and the kids as Jynx went to get food.  Jame kept leaning over in the wagon towards Bailey and he kept pushing him back until Wendy told her that Jame was only trying to give her a kiss.  Once again Jame leaned in and Bailey gave him the kiss he had been seeking.  Wendy and I went back to talking when I noticed the two were back in a lip lock and not letting up.  As any proud father would do I just started to laugh and Wendy after a quick laugh yelled "Okay that's enough!" and then hit me for laughing too much.  I deserved it. 
Later that night the group headed to the Wizard and little man was fading fast.  I told Jynx to go ahead and I would pass since he was so close to sleeping.  Jynx headed to the Wizard and a show was just starting by the old railroad station.  What ever happened to the train at Great America?  I loved the train.  Little man loved the show he sat there and watched as they sang monster songs dressed like zombies.  He eventually gave in near the end of the show and we placed him in the wagon.  Wendy and her sisters took him as we headed for only my second roller coaster of the night the classic Demon.  We ran straight though all the way to the front car.  I remember waiting a couple of hours to get on this ride, I had been through every part of this maze that I now bypassed.  We sat in the front row and the Demon was as great as it always has been.  The light in the tunnel is my favorite part.  Shortly after we got off the Demon the rain started and we headed for the exit.  It was a great night and one I have always dreamed of.  It was not a great roller coaster night but just being able to spend the night with Little Man is better then any roller coaster.

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