Friday, October 29, 2010


After a asking everyone on Facebook about a pumpkin patch we found a nice one in Hobart, IN that was fantastic.  We called Wendy and her daughter and Jame's girlfriend Baley to join us at the pumpkin patch.  Jynx's family went with as well so we took their new motor home or should I say bus.  The pumpkin patch had it all and we tried to fit it all in.  We started out riding in a wagon towed behind a tractor to the corn maze.  I was not to sure how the kids would enjoy this but they had a great time running threw the maze and playing with the corn.
Then it was on to the pumpkin patch where the kids had a great time running from pumpkin to pumpkin playing with them all.  Little man had to try and pick up a lot of them.  I'm not really sure what he was planning on doing with them.  We played in the pumpkin patch and I took about a hundred photos before we had to hurry up pick out pumpkins and jump back on the wagon.
We then headed into the petting zoo that was filled with animals and tractors and things for them to play on.  Little Man got a big kick out of the chickens and as always he loved the cows.  Mom even took time to try and teach him how to feed the goats.
They even had a pumpkin easting monster but it only chomps on the weekends, so we did not get to see him in action.  Little Man and his friend had a great time at the pumpkin patch and we may be heading there every fall to spend a day.

Last night we took some time from our hectic fall schedule and carved a pumpkin with Little Man.  I was not sure how he was going to react to the whole carving but he seemed to enjoy it.  We had gotten some tools at the store that would carve the pumpkin but he could not cut himself although it still freaked me out at times.  He helped mom sort threw the guts and get the pumpkin seeds out.  As we were carving I showed him how to talk into the pumpkin for the echo and he enjoyed trying it as well.  When it was all finished we put one of the new battery flicker flames in it and he loved the little light.  We placed his first carved pumpkin on the back porch.  It was a lot more fun then I had ever thought it would be.  Happy Halloween.

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