Friday, February 4, 2011

Blizzard 2011

It was the second day of the great blizzard and I was preparing to head out again and shovel off the porch one more time.  I had shoveled it about 3 times the night before and used the bobcat to clear the drive but every time when I would finish it would look as if I had never touched it.  I told Jynx that we would have to get Little Man out in all the snow that had piled up and she agreed.  You can’t have a weather event of this nature and not head out into it for some fun and you know me I needed to get some pictures.  Not to worry I only took about 700 that I still have to go through again.
We put Little Man into his snow suit, I had to laugh it reminded me of the scene from A Christmas Story where Ralphie comments that it was like going deep sea diving.  Ralphies little brother finally gets all suited up and cries I can’t put my arms down.  Little Man was able to put his hands down and he headed out into the snow.
Mother Nature had hit us with about 20 inches of snow and we were getting some more lake effect snow.  Normally I just run the shovel along the porch until it falls off the edge, no lifting for me but this time the snow piles built up and up.  At one point I was wondering if it would reach the top of the light we have next to the porch that stands about 5 feet.  I also had problems with the drive getting the bobcat stuck a few times until I realized that no one was coming down are normally busy street.  I think we had more snowmobiles down the road than cars.  I pushed the snow down the drive and across the street since no one lives there and it’s just a low water area anyway.
Little man came out and loved the snow, he headed down the ramp and right into the deep snow where he had trouble walking and fell into the snow a few times.  We placed him in the piles of snow off the porch and he got a big kick out of it.  We played in the snow for a bit and I even tried to show him how to make snow angels but he just had fun being out of the house, since we had been in for a good day.
Jynx got his sled and took him for a ride in it but it seemed the little sled had a bit of a problem with all the snow.  He still loved being pulled in the snow on the sled.  Jynx got a bit worried about him being out so long in the snow and the few times he fell and got snow on his face had her deciding it was time for little man to go inside.  Of course as a dad I would have let him stay out longer but as usual mom was right and he had his fun and needed to head in for a warm up.
His new snowsuit did wonders and mom reported outside of his face he was nice and toasty warm inside the suit.  It’s just too bad that by next year he will have outgrown the suit.  We did get him one for next year on sale of course that should fit him good for next year. 
I went back out in the snow the lake effect was winding down and the great dig out began.  I spent the next several hours in the bobcat pushing snow to clear the drive.  Normally the bobcat does a great job but at the beginning of winter one of the hydraulic lines got a clog from being frozen so you can not lift up the bucket.  You can tip the bucket but it won’t lift off the ground.  Our mechanic promised to fix it in the spring but who knew we would get such a blizzard in the meantime.

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