Friday, September 17, 2010

The Future

It was the end of a long day and I was feeling it, the building decided to test the fire alarm.  The words "THIS IS ONLY A TEST!" rang out with flashing strobes and an annoying alarm made my normally hurried exit even more hurried.  I got out of the building and away from the headache factory and headed for my car.  It was when I got in my car I realized I had left my phone behind.  What to do?  should I head back and try to get it?  Was that alarm still ringing?  I decided to tough it out for the night I was going to be back in the morning and I could live without a phone for the night.
I began my trip home and a few times I started to look for my phone.  I need to call home oh that's right no phone.  Oh I have to call that guy back oh wait no phone.  Red light time to check e mail oh wait.  This was not going to be easy.  How did we do this for so long?  How did we ever survive without the technology we have today?
I remember as a kid my dad having a beeper and beeping is all that it did.  The beeper would beep and he knew to call the office for a message.  I remember getting a VCR and it had a remote kind of.  The remote was connected to the VCR with a long cord but it was great you could change the channel without getting up.  I remember when we would have to run to the bank before it closed on Friday.  My god how did we ever survive without remotes, ATM and cell phones.
All of this got e to thinking if all these technologies have come during my lifetime what will there be during little mans life.  Will we get those personal flying machines?  How will he listen to music?  We went from 8 track to cassette to CD to MP3 whats next?  When I was a kid if you missed a show you didn't see it then came VCR's then DVD's and now I can watch movies on my cell phone.  When we take a trip in a the van he can sit there and watch a DVD.  I used our Tivo to record sesame street and he loves to watch while we drive.  How I would of loved that when I was a kid.  There is a song by Brad Paisley that lyrics state some of this and how cool it would have been to have a Pac Man arcade game in your house and now I have it on my phone.     
I'm not sure what the future holds for little man but it's sure fun to think about him flying to work in the morning or going to the doctor and they'll scan his body just like in Star Trek.  Maybe he'll play chess just like they did in Star Wars.  I wonder how close to the Jetson his life will become.  Live Long and Prosper.

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