Friday, September 24, 2010


I've been trying my best to work in a bit of exercise, okay a little bit of exercise into my hectic schedule.  On Judge days I leave the house between 6 and 6:30am and don't return until 8 or 9pm.  Last night I got home about nine and walked on the treadmill for a few minutes then sat down to watch The Apprentice and grabbed my weights to use while I watched.  Jynx and Little Man arrived home and joined me downstairs.  I dropped the weights to pick up Little Man and held him for about as long as he would take it.  He is a very busy little guy always on the move and always in need of something.  Little man quickly discovered the eight pound weights I put down.  I didn't give it a second thought he won't be able to pick it up but sure enough he was going to try.  The first couple of attempts failed and he got distracted by other items to pick up but he kept coming back to try.  Eventually he walked over with a determined look on his face bent down and the eight pound weight lifted from the ground.  From that point on he was putting it down and picking it up then carrying the weight across the room.  He really looked like a miniature version of the worlds strongest man competition.  I thought maybe we should have named him Magnus or Ivan some strang man name.  Hmmm Magnus Jack nah!  Jynx would never go for it.

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