Friday, August 27, 2010

My Commute

After a long day of listening to people calling each other crack heads and other names on the Judge show, I was happy to dive home with the top off the Jeep and the doors off.  I find it to be very relaxing a nice piesce of solitude.  When I arrived home last night "little man" came running up to me gave me a hug and started saying Da Da.  I don't think I'll ever be able to describe how good that feels.
This morning I hopped back into the Jeep although it was a bit cold and I had to wear a coat, I still love the open feel of the Jeep.  A few years ago I discovered taking route 41 all the way into the city.  It's a nice change from the madness of the Dan Ryan.  The route takes me past some interesting sights and threw a bunch of different neighborhoods, then just before I get into downtown theres the lake.  It's great diving along the lake, even if I get stuck in traffic I can just sit and look out at the lake. 
This mornings commute I decided to stop off and see my new friend the tamale man.  I dicovered him a few weeks ago and eventually stopped.  He parks his "roach coach" on a corner puts up a little sign and sells nothing but tamales.  The tamles are GREAT! I had no idea there were so many different kinds of tamales (chicken, cheese, jalapeno and even fruit) I thought it was only pork.  He told me he gets out there at five in the morning and it seems that there is always someone there buying from him.  Jynx who normally does not like tamales actually likes these, but I think it's more that she like the jalapeno inside the tamale.  I find it interesting that he is only there in the morning, never thought of tamales as a breakfast food,  At night on the same corner is a guy in a van selling tide in big buckets.  I'm going to stick with my tamales for now.

The Tamale Truck
My commute by the lake

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