Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Inside the Walls

We spent the last couple of days at the cottage trying to fix it up.  A small roof leak has revealed a ton of problems with the cottage including some of the worse electrical I have ever seen.  I have to laugh because it's like something you would read about and think no one would ever do that.  A lot of the walls have had to come down and we have found some interesting stuff like spiralgraphs, doll shoes and a newspaper from November 15, 1970 a day before my first birthday.  That was kind of funny given the fact I was there with Jame who is only a month past his first birthday.
Jame is learning new things everyday and watching us to try and learn more.  He was behind me a lot while we were working on the cottage climbing up and trying to help.  I grabbed him yesterday grabbed a piece of scrap wood and a nail and we hammered it in together.  He played with the hammer for a bit after that, banging it on the wood the best he could.  It's hard to believe the little guy who would just lay there until it was feeding time is already learning so much.

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