Thursday, August 26, 2010

Well let's see how this goes.  I've had a few friends who have gotten into blogging and I thought I might give it a try.  I have worked on and off for a few years now on a documentary about blogging mainly on how it has affected the political arena.  The project has been extremely interesting although I'm not sure if it will ever be done.  Politics is one of my interest I love to debate and have some strong views. 
After adopting our son I thought it would have been interesting to have a better timeline of the whole process as it occurred.  I have enjoyed being a dad and the adventure it brings.  The little guy is growing up so fast and just a lot of fun.  It's going to be great to write some of it down and remember it. 
I also think my job is interesting.  I work in television as a freelance technician and I find myself in some interesting and different places.  Today as I write this I'm at the Judge Mathis show where I work as the Tape Op.  I basically run all the machines to record the show and playback video.  The days are long and are met with a lot of waiting around with moments of rushing around.  Thanks for reading I'll try and update as often as I can.  I hate the blogs that don't update very often.

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