Wednesday, December 15, 2010


We made a promise that we would not decorate as much in order to spend more time this holiday with Little Man but, the boxes and boxes of decorations came up and out.  The village I set up did not go up but all the rest of the decorations made it up.  After spending more time than I wanted decorating and the house nearly finished; I decided to spend a day at the Museum of Science and Industry.  I wanted Little Man to see the huge train layout since he loves trains.  I've lost track (no pun intended) of how many times we've watched The Polar Express.
The next day we got Little Man up and ready to go but he did not eat much of his breakfast and even laid back down a few times.  We drove to the museum and entered to see the zephyr train and his eyes light up.  "DAT!" 
We went into the museum which has changed a bit since we were kids a few more things added and some things no longer there.  We started out tour but Little Man just did not seem the same, no smiles for the camera, no running around or his now famous "DAT!" 
As the day went on it was clear that Little Man was not feeling well but was doing his best to make it through the day.  We did go to the trains and he was excited to see them and watch the model trains.  We took him over to the train engine that he was able to sit in and play with all the knobs and levers. 
We then headed to see all the Christmas trees and he faded quickly.  He took a bit of a nap in his stroller and woke up to see the weather center and the tractors at the end.  I hope he had a good day but I felt bad for him not feeling well at all.  We got in the car and he fell asleep on the way home and did not want to eat much.  That night he slept and slept and slept.  I'm glad we got a chance to get to the museum but I wish Little Man was feeling better to enjoy it more.  I'm still hoping to take him downtown to see the windows but with all the global warming oops sorry freezing temperature's I'm not sure if it's going to happen this year.  Maybe we'll stay in and decorate more.

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