Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Little man got to meet the Big Fat Man.  The meeting did not go well at all but was very funny.  We were at the Johnson girls cookie exchange and little man was having a great time eating and then playing on the organ with his girl Bayle, when Santa arrived.  It was Santa's first appearance of the season and he was showing off his new Santa belt with his name in the buckle.  Little man took one look at Santa and headed for the other side of the room, he was having nothing to do with him.  Santa walked around took pictures and greeted all the other children but little man still wanted nothing to do with him.  After working the room Santa needed to make his exit and the decision was made that he may scream and cry but Little Man had to get a picture with the Big Man.  Mom was not happy about it but she brought him over and the screams and tears started to flow.  The photos snapped and little man was away from Santa as fast as he could go.  A few minutes later Little Man noticed dad out in the parking lot and started to cry for him, he did not settle down until dad was back in the room holding him.  How funny if he only knew.  Yes years from now we will have another laugh about this day.

Mom feeling bad for handing over Little Man to Santa

Running from Santa

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