Friday, December 17, 2010


As always we are racing around trying to get ready for our Christmas party.  We went to the grocery store last night with a big list and little man.  It was late enough that his favorite race car shopping cart was sitting and waiting for him, not the broken one bu the one that still has a steering wheel.  Little Man went directly for his cart and hopped into the drivers seat and off we went.  We were not out of the produce section when Jynx suggested that he might want his own cart.  I had seen the carts before but never thought of them for Little Man.  Off Jynx went and returned with a little shopping cart and Little Man got out of the race car and behind the cart.  He has pushed the big shopping cart before but I had not seen him use his own little cart.  Little Man walked over to the produce and grabbed an artichoke and placed it in the cart, he then went back and grabbed a turnip placed it in the cart.  That was just about the funniest thing I've seen in a long time, I stood there in the grocery store laughing.  This continued for several aisles and other customers got a good laugh as well.  We did our best to put items back but sometimes we did not see it right away and it went back in a different place.  I'm sure some stock boy loved us the next day as he found ginger cookies in the toilet paper aisle. 

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