Saturday, September 11, 2010


I was enjoying a nice brisk morning as I drove down the highway, I had the music cranked up life was good.  I decided to see if the Cubs had won I changed from the CD to an all sports radio station.  The usually wacky sports guys seemed almost somber as they talked about how sometimes sports needs to take a back seat and this is one of those days.  They went on to explain that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center in New York.  At the time I had only thought it was a small aircraft and did not think too much about it.
I arrived at the Back To God Hour a company the produced a christian show called Primary Focus.  I arrived to learn that the plane was not just a small plane but an jetliner.  I watched a bit of the coverage and talked with some of the editors about how they would fix the towers.  I learned that my interview that day was with a professor at North Central College that studies people who have near death experiences but see hell instead of heaven. 
As I started to gear ready the day started to get worse.  The second tower was hit, the Pentagon was hit.  I headed to my interview but when we arrived campus security was scrambling to close the campus and asked us to leave immediately.  I drove back and unloaded the gear and headed home.
I remember arriving home and turning on the TV and watching the news.  A man called in and started telling his family that he was okay and his voice began to crack and I sat their and cried with him.  There has never been a 9-11 since that day that my eyes have not filled with tears thinking of that moment.
It's hard to believe it's been nine years since that day and I feel most Americans have forgotten the emotions we felt at that moment.  There's a song that state "they took the footage off my TV; said it was too disturbing for you and me.  If it were up to me I play it everyday."  I could not agree more.  On this day I think we all need to take a moment remember that day then remember that people woke up that morning kissed their loved ones goodbye and headed out.  In their honor remember when you leave your house what is really important to you. 

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