Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What a DAY!

Boy! What  a day!  Jynx and I have started the processes of adopting another child, little man needs a sibling.  We have been fingerprinted again for the third time, I guess because our fingerprints change every year.  Today the adoption counselor was stopping by for our home inspection.  Last time she said she was just making sure we didn't live in a box.  I was supposed to clean up the house yesterday but I spent the day arguing with liberals on facebook one of my new hobbies.  So today we needed to kick it in to high cleaning gear but our plans were cut short when I discovered water in the basement that was coming from the kitchen faucet.  So off to Menards to buy a new faucet and then two more trips and cleaning when we could.  After the last trip the counselor called and she needed to come early.  Okay I told her but our sink was in disarray she laughed and said that would be fine.  We had managed to get the rest of the house clean it was just all the stuff under the sink was out along with tools and sink parts.  She stopped by for about a half an hour and never went any farther than the front room.  I almost wanted to tell her she had to look at the rest of the house.  During our first home inspection I remember being nervous about broken glass in my workshop.  Just before she arrived I was quickly putting things away and had broken a glass vase in the storage area.  I did not have time to pick it up and thought for sure she would want to see the storage area and say broken glass and children don't mix.  It's kinda of funny now that I think about it.
All of this stress was nothing compared to a message from a friend who's father was rushed to the hospital for a heart attack.  Just a few years ago we shared our grief as his cousin and my mentor suddenly died of a massive heart attack.  He was in his early forties with a wife and a son.  He came home from working a basketball game told his wife he was not feeling good and fell over.  I will never forget getting the message of his passing or his wife, son and dog saying good bye to him for the last time.  They all stood at the casket the dog jumped up on the casket as his son began to cry and we all soon followed.  That image will never leave me.  I miss my friend everyday and often think what we would be doing today had he lived.  He taught me a lot not only about television but life as well. 
I have the same fears now as I enter my early forties.  Several months ago I gave up pop and recently went to the doctor for a check up.  My entire family seems to have high blood pressure and cholesterol so I naturally assumed I would as well.  My blood pressure was fine and my cholesterol was a bit high but oatmeal, Cheerios and actually taking the vitamins Jynx leaves out for me is what the doctor thought I should try first.  My friend dad is okay and resting at home they caught it early enough but it brought back those memories of Jeff's passing and how I need to keep up my health for little man.
Tonight the sink is fixed, we are back on the adoption list, my friends dad is back with his family and I have taken my vitamins.  Life is hectic but good.

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