Monday, September 13, 2010

Simple Things

If 9-11 taught us anything it should be how to appreciate the simple things in  life.  Yesterday my in-laws had their class reunion picnic, they have several events for those who graduated from Thorton in the 1940's.  The past several years they have hosted the picnic and we try to help out as much as we can.  My two main jobs are cooking the hot dogs and playing music.  I've built up a nice collection from the 1940's that they like to listen too.  This year we went over the night before to put out chairs and try and get everything in order.  There was an old wagon at the house that little man was instantly drawn too.  I'm amazed at how these things draw him in like Sesame Street and cartoons.  The wagon had been used to pull around dirt and debris so I took sometime to clean it up.  The next day someone had grabbed a pillow and placed it in the wagon and the little mans day of riding in the wagon began.  He would sit there very calm and just enjoy the ride and when the wagon would stop he would start to try and get out until he could find someone else to pull him in.  I of course pulled him several times and it is one of those great moments of being a dad, just simply pulling the wagon and seeing that smile on his face when you turn around to see how he's doing.  It's the simple things in life that mean the most.

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