Saturday, September 25, 2010

High School Dance

I met Jynx and Little Man for dinner after work, and it was obvious Little Man had not napped very well.  He was on the run with mom all day and did not slow down.  When I arrived he quickly jumped into my arms a nestled in but did not fall asleep.  Every time he heard a loud noise or another child he perked up.  A couple of times during dinner he got a bit restless but this was a blessing for me.  I had always dreamed about walking with my kids the same way my Grandpa Ralph did with me as a child.  I know that I have a lot of both my grandfathers in me, and their love of children.  Getting up from the table and walking around with us was one of my Grandfathers favorite things and now it was my turn.  I picked up Little Man and headed to the waiting area but he was not interested in walking around he just wanted to sink into my shoulder and rest, until he would hear another child.  He was still to tired but he would give them a smile and just look like if I had the energy we would play.  I stood there doing my best to get him to fall asleep, I started rocking back and forth and that's when it hit me.  All those high school dances had trained me for this.  At the dance all we would do was sway back and forth no one dared do anything else.  I had a great little chuckle as I thought back to those days and what I was doing now.

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