Sunday, September 26, 2010


We had an early start yesterday heading out of the house to our old neighborhood Park Forest for the Kiwanis's pancake breakfast.  They hold the event in a parking lot under a big tent and it usually a nice crisp fall morning a perfect day for pancakes.  When you enter the tent the huge system of conveyor belts catches your eyes and you can't help feeling like a kid again watching the plate of pancakes ridding the belt from the huge griddle up and over the line of people and down to a server who adds butter and hands you a plate.  It truly is like a scene from Willy Wonka replacing the Oompa Loompas with World War 2 Vets.  Of course Little man was just fascinated by the entire system as we were hurried through the line.  He didn't have many pancakes but had about six sausages.

As you leave the tent you have to run the gauntlet of people handing out flyer's for politicians.  This is one of my pet peeves along with the signs all over, I think we could pay off the national debt if we took the money these guys spent on litter (because that's what happens to all those signs) and paid off China.  I wonder if they would accept all those signs and literature as payment?  They could get a good laugh at reading all the lies.  After we ran the gauntlet we met Issac Hayes not the singer but a conservative Republican black man, yes there are some.  Hayes is running against Jesse Jackson Jr. and until a week ago it looked like Jackson would walk away with it but now it's a race.  Allegations have surfaced that Jesse was having a couple of affairs, I guess he learned that from Tiger Woods.  So Little Man got to meet his politician and I had a nice conversation with Issac.

And that all was jut the start to the day after that we headed to our churches block party.  The church had decided to do this a few years ago as a way of reaching out to the community and hopefully getting some more people to join the church.  Unfortunately it seemed like every year we could not attend but this year we were able to make it.  I was asked to take photos and it was all I could do not to just follow little man around.  He had a great time, they had a giant blow up maze thing with slides and blocking dummies.  Yes I know what your thinking and of course I went through it a couple of times with little man.  He provides a great excuse for being able to be a kid again.  I don't think he stopped laughing the entire time he was in there and he even enjoyed standing outside watching the kids go down the slide and every time a kid went down he let out a big laugh.  Several people had to stand around the maze and reprimand the kids they were in an awful mood until they heard little man laughing and they couldn't help but smile.  After all the excitement we went to Pepe's for lunch/early dinner Little man could not even keep his eyes open until the food came and he was asleep in the booth.  Jynx and I got to eat at the same time something we don't get to do often now.  It was great to sit relax and both enjoy our meal but we would not trade it for the world with how much joy little man brings to our lives.

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