Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just Like That!

I had been home with Little Man the other day trying to balance spending time with him and getting things done around the house.  The day was going great but then I realized the time was getting later and soon Jynx was going to be home and I wanted to get dinner ready for her.  I wanted to try my hand at chicken gyros but needed the yogurt and pita's.  I quickly went to change Little Man since he had made such a mess with his pizza lunch.  How he got pizza sauce under his clothes I'll never know.  I changed him but decided not to put socks on him to save time I'll just put his shoes on, it seemed like a good dad decision and off we went to the grocery store.  Of course when we arrived his favorite car shopping cart was not available but we did see the kids who had it in the store and Little Man gave them the old stink eye.  We arrived home after Jynx but I started making dinner right away and like a mom Jynx noticed the lack of socks and laughed at my dad decision.  She took his shoes off fearing a blister or something like that.  I would worry more about shoe stink but okay.  I continued making dinner which turned out great when I noticed Little man only had one shoe on I stood there laughing and asked Jynx why she only took one shoe off when I hit me that it was also on the wrong foot.  Jynx had taken off both shoes but Little Man found them and put it back on.  It seems everyday he is learning something new like sipping from a straw, climbing a stair, shaking hands and Eskimo kisses.  This is one of the reasons I've started this blog to remember all of the little moments I may one day forget. 

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