Thursday, September 30, 2010

Shopping Carts

Placing little man in any shopping cart has become quite a project at times.  We start with a brief struggle with him to get his feet through the proper holes.  He doesn't really like to sit he usually wants to stand.  After getting him settled in he almost immediately starts to turn one way and then another and gets loose from the safety strap until he is either facing the other direction or has his legs stretched out on the seat.  We tend to give up on making him face the proper direction ignoring all the safety warnings on the shopping cart.
The other night at Menard's as we headed to the check out he had about all he could handle of sitting in the cart.  He stood up and leaned right into my arms giving me no choice but to remove him from the cart.  As Jynx finished up with the cashier I let him walk around a bit and he wound up right behind the shopping cart.  Little man grabbed hold of the shopping cart with a firm grip and with a short grunt the shopping cart filled with rakes and shovels and other items was on the move out the door.  We both had a good laugh as he pushed the cart out the door and towards the car with a bit of guidance from mom and dad.
Our next stop was at the grocery store where he was able to get his favorite race car shopping cart.  The store only has two of these carts so they are hard to get.  If we get to the store and they are not available Little man keeps an eye out for the car cart.  When he spots the kids who have the car he gives them  the evil eye and watches them the entire way.  The days that we are lucky enough to get it he has a great time laughing and playing the entire time, he makes sure that everyone knows he has his cart.  I wish the store had more of these carts and I also wish the were big enough for me to get in.  Although I have thought about using the motorized cart but the people who drive those scare me.  I make sure to give them a lot room when they come down the aisle.  I'm glad little man likes the store because between the motorized and the creepy stock boy that always want to talk to me it's a very traumatic experience for me.

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